Every home buyer has a customized vision of the ultimate dream house but it is incredibly tough to get the exact kind of house you want, especially in the most liveable city in the country – Pune.
One such home buyer, Mr. Khare had almost given up on his dream house. When you have on your list a comfortable room for your parents, a custom-styled room for you and your spouse, a spacious play area for your kids and their favourite superhero-themed rooms, a serene balcony & terrace for your dream plant landscaping experiments and a decent parking space, you are bound to lose hope of finding a place which is built exactly the way you have imagined. A flat was of course out of question. How about a villa or a bungalow of their own? ‘Kahan milega aisa ghar?!’, he thought.
To add to his troubles furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic made every site look like an unsafe place for his family. It is true that it has drastically changed our view about how we work, how we commute, where we eat, how we socialize but most importantly how and where we live.
The developer usually builds the space and then hands over the possession of the house. But when you buy your own villa plot, you can build everything from scratch in a totally personalised way. You can procure different entities yourself to build your house. Sometimes this option ends up being an unpleasant and expensive option because a layman has to blindly rely on whatever the freelance contractors suggest. Still, Mr. Khare thought that buying a villa plot and then building his house was the ultimate answer. He attempted buying a piece of land in order to build his home but the unorganised and untrustworthy entities involved in the whole process made it look like a poor choice.
Alternatively, what if you are presented with a selection of award-winning designs by leading architects and asked to choose any design you want while also giving you the option to customise each and every detail of your house the way you want? Sounds too good to be true, right? For the Khares, this seems like the perfect place – bungalow plots where you can get your home made as per your preferences. ‘Wait, how is that possible?!’, Mr. Khare thought. But when you visit TRU Reality’s villa township project ‘Kekarav’, you see all this turning into a reality. At Kekarav, you get to choose the minutest details as per your own taste and preferences wherein we provide you with all the best mixture of ingredients to give birth to a very personalised construction magic!
For Mr. Khare it was a life-changing home creation experience. He often reflects on how his decision to create his own home his way turned out to be the best decision he has made while he sips his evening tea, watering his plants on the terrace and overlooking the kids who are playing in their garden to their heart’s content.
TRU Reality’s villa township project ‘Kekarav’, like our other upcoming projects, is built based on inputs from you. For us, everyone’s opinion matters which is why we have our own portal where customers, stakeholders, channel partners and anyone who visits our website can cast their views and votes regarding all kinds of minor details – designs, amenities, specifications, etc. It is an experiment in world-class feedback analysis in real estate, leading to creating the perfect market-product fit for every customer of TRU Realty. Get in touch with us to know how you can truly design & build your own warmly personalised independent villa!